Category Archives: After School

The memory I hold

Today as I sat on the hedge at a retreat I went to, I watched as most of the boys kicked the ball back and forth. It was the end of a perfectly awesome day and I just didn’t want it to end.


I was afraid of tomorrow. Of the world that awaited and all the assignments I had to do. It is just all crazy and the cycle of life. We have fun and then we have to get back to reality and hold into those special moments as a memory to cherish.

I love people that bring out the best in me. Each with a different story, dream and personality. It’s simply awesome and great. Thank you for being you and allowing me to be apart of your life.

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What is your life story?


So here’s my book, chapter 7, I think. Almost completely undergrad and there’s all this pressure where will I work, who will you marry. Trust me it drives me crazy. Do always have to know what the next five years look like? How about I live out today the best that I know how and let tomorrow take care of itself.

Have fun a little

Fact, we grow up and kids watch out, it could be a trap. Growing up I mean, because now the world expects you to be in control of you. Mom or dad could help but they can only go far not all the way. So this is when it all begins and I believe you obtain more when you allow yourself to be out there. Take some risks that’s the only way you can be sure of something.

Make friends with each opportunity, you just can’t be sure when it comes in handy. But remember to choose your battles, not every battle is yours to win and most importantly, not every battle is yours to fight. This means learn to let go, its a very important lesson in life.

Be of good cheer, the future is not yours to see

While on my way to jinja, there was a moment when it felt like I was living out a scene from one of the episodes of fast and furious.

It scared me a bit but i guess i can only see the minute before me…i mean one minute your on the road, the next there’s a crowd around you yelling out to you in sympathy tones.

Its true that its Very important to plan for the future, but don’t lose yourself in the cares of tomorrow. Its also important to live each moment you are gifted with, because it is hard to enjoy When your wondering what will tomorrow.

The future will take care of itself. Besides, when you deal with today appropriately, tomorrow will be appropriate. Just like how we treat strangers, tomorrow they are strangers no more and you need them.

Its amazing how tables turn

It took a while but I see it now….whatever is going on this very minute does not necessarily seal your fate. One day its this tomorrow it could be that, i mean who knew that ones fate could be altered by a spoken word, a closed door or even a door that was never opened.

Life happens right, but sometimes we are the ones that choose how it happens even without knowing it. I mean even God gives us free will, that means we can choose…that choice could change the journey your life will take.1447050522297

Change is good and can even be great. We fear it because we are not sure what it brings so we try to stop it. But imagine your mother at the age of 60 still playing with dolls,creepy right…its called growing up..and its good change.

Whatever happens, embrace change if you would like to be friends with whom you become…