i was looking for life,..he was looking for me,…

Photo post.

Source: i was looking for life,..he was looking for me,…growing up I struggled really hard to find my bearing in life. I mean most of the time it was about what mum & dad said while other times I took shelter under my sisters’ lives.

I thought my brother was so cool and hanging out with him made feel just the same. 

But you know what, it didn’t last for long. I mean I grew up and everyone now begun to get married & have their lives, basically there’s less to do aside from baby sitting especially since am the little unmarried sister.

So it was time to find out who I am. Considering where I have been ,one can only imagine the mess I must have gotten myself into…searching the jungle of life.

But you know what most of it was not bad after all. I had fun, have learnt some life lessons and indeed he was looking for me.