how we act could be the reason we have trouble socializing..

Really guys you cannot expect to be full of yourself & expect people to want to hangout around….. Weird enough, life is so fair because even the guys that are all giving manage to repel relationships. I mean imagine having a friend who is constantly apologizing even when they are not the one in wrong. I guess at first it would be sweet but with time it gets extremely annoying.

What does this leave us with then? That’s the million dollar question right.

I guess everyone wants to be around a certain personality and my choice may not be yours. Don’t force the relationship…. “Look out for the shoe that fit’s you….one you can tolerate remember that you are addressed how you dress”.

But it is really its amazing when you find that friend whose mistakes you could laugh at a later..time

Continue reading how we act could be the reason we have trouble socializing..

The least visited place in Uganda Christian University main campus.

Over the years, the administration of UCU has noticed that the material in the library is barely used by the students. this has therefore raised concern over the students underutilizing library resources that are presumed readily available.

the main library stands in its glory
the main library stands in its glory

Mr Richard Mulwanya, a lecturer in the Mass communication department clearly stated that students do not want to read and yet there is plenty to read in the library in both text and an online platform as well.

On inquiring from the students why they stay away from the library, it was realised that that the main concern is the attitude of the library service providers that keep them away.

One of the students is reported to have fled the library in tears in 2013 during her first year after being ill treated the gentleman at the library entrance. The student in question rushed to the chaplaincy’s office where she avantantly expressed herself,

“Is this a centre of excellence? You don’t have any excellence in the way you treat us,” she added

Other students seem to keep away from the library because contrary to what the administration believes, there is in fact a scarcity of books as recorded by the library catalogue.

“It is frustrating to walk into the library and find no books. How are we supposed to do our research?”Stephen Kibwiika, a student in BAMC3 stated.


its crazy what we do in someone told me that we get in the way of our success sometimes. Wierd right, its much easier to think that everyone else around you is the reason you are stuck. Funny people like me prefer to live in the moment. Imagine a moment when all you had to think about is today, wouldnt it be easier. I mean, thinking today gives you the peace and possibly the courage to take on tomorrow.

But that is all fantasy, theres a future ahead of me and if i left it to chance then i might regret it. Recently, i learnt that life is not about me and that whom i allow in it dictates how i turn out. In fact i decided that if i cannot explain or feel the relationship you add to me then we need to talk and figure what it is we are doing. Assumptions are simply killing me………